Zhan-Feng Mai
Postdoc at Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University (KIAA-PKU). Email:zhanfeng.mai@gmail.com
Brief Self-Introduction
My name is Zhan-Feng Mai(麦展风). I graduated from South China Normal University (SCNU) and got a bachelor’s degree in Science in 2015. I got my Master’s degree in science from Beijing Normal University and then got my Doctor’s degree from Tianjin University. My supervisor is Hong L"{u}. Currently, I am the KIAA postdoc at Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University (KIAA-PKU).
Academic Interest:
My current academic interests are the physics of black holes and neutron stars in modified gravity. Especially, I now focus on the Quasi-Normal modes (QNMs) and superradiant instability and their applications to the black hole stability analysis and gravitational waves.